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An RL3 Compiler generates an RL3 Model from a single RL3 Module file, a list of RL3 Module files or an RL3 Project.


Possible options:

-h [ --help ]         Display help message
-p [ --project ] arg  Input project file
-o [ --output ] arg   Output file (model)
-m [ --modules ] arg  Module files list to translate
--stdlib arg          Optional path to RL3 StdLib

Example 1: compile a module module.rl3 and store the resulting model to a model.rl3c file.

$ rl3c --output model.rl3c module.rl3

Example 2: compile 2 modules (module1.rl3 and module2.rl3) and store the resulting model to a model.rl3c file.

$ rl3c --output model.rl3c --modules module1.rl3 module2.rl3

Example 3: compile a project project.rl3p and store the resulting model to a model.rl3c file.

$ rl3c --output model.rl3c --project project.rl3p

What's next: Installation Guide.