Common phrase patterns.
include <phrases.rl3>
and, or, not, the
Pattern | Description |
AND | Matches and , & , etc
NOT | Matches different variations of "not": not , dont etc
THE | Matches the , an , a
Pattern | Description |
I | Matches I and its derivatives such as I am , I do , etc
I_AM | Matches I am , I'm , etc
AM_I | Matches am I
MY | Matches my , mine , etc
YOU | Matches you
YOU_ARE | Matches you are , you're , etc
ARE_YOU | Matches are you
IT | Matches it
IT_IS | Matches it is
IS_IT | Matches is it
ok, yes, no, thanks
Pattern | Description |
OK | Matches OK , O.K. , etc
YES | Matches yes and its variations
NO | matches no and its variations
THANKS | matches thank you and its variations
hello, goodbye
Pattern | Description |
HELLO | Matches different variants of hello
GOODBYE | Matches different variants of goodbye
be, was
Pattern | Description |
BE | Matches be , am , is , are , etc
WAS | Matches was , were , has been , etc
dont, wont, cant
Pattern | Description |
DONT | Matches do not , don't , etc
WONT | Matches will not , won't , etc
CANT | Matches can not , can't , etc
Pattern | Description |
BASE_QUESTION | Matches what , how , why , etc
IS_THERE | Matches is there
WHAT_IS | Matches what is and its variations
WHAT_IS_YOUR_NAME | Matches different variations of what is your name
WHO_ARE_YOU | Matches different variations of who are you
Pattern | Description |
MOTHER | Matches mother and its synonyms
FATHER | Matches father and its synonyms
RELATIVE | Matches relatives/family member references |
nobody, everybody
Pattern | Description |
NOBODY | Matches nobody and its variations
EVERYBODY | Matches everybody and its variations
Pattern | Description |
WELCOME | Matches different variations of welcome
WELCOME_TO | Matches different variations of welcome to
WELCOME_TO_OUR | Matches different variations of welcome to our
designed by, powered by
Pattern | Description |
DESIGNED_BY | Matches different variations of designed by
POWERED_BY | Matches different variations of powered by
other phrases
Pattern | Description |
SORRY | Matches different variation of sorry
RUDE_WORD | Matches "rude" words and phrases |
MAYBE | Matches maybe , perhaps , etc
FRIEND | Matches friend and its synonyms
REMEMBER | Matches remember , recall , etc
SAME | Matches same , alike , identical , etc
BELIEF | Matches believe , think , etc
DESIRE | Matches desire , want , need , etc
BROWSER | Matches browser , browsers , web browser , etc
WEBSITE | Matches website , site , etc
WEBSITE_OF | Matches the official site of and similar phrases
OVERVIEW | Matches overview , details , etc
COMMENTS | Matches comment , comments , etc
ALL_RIGHTS_RESERVED | Matches all rights reserved and similar phrases
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