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A DAWG Compiler generates a DAWG Dictionary from an LST or CSV file.


Possible options:

-h [ --help ]              display help message
-n [ --noblanks ] arg      ignore blank symbols [0, 1]
-c [ --casesensitive ] arg case sensitive [0, 1]
-t [ --csv ]               interpret an input file as a CSV table
-s [ --separator ] arg     a CSV field separator
-i [ --input ] arg         a path to an input file
-o [ --output ] arg        a path to an output file

Example 1: compile input.lst and store the resulting DAWG Dictionary to a dict.dawg file.

$ rl3dawgc -n 0 input.lst dict.dawg

Example 2: compile input.lst and store the resulting "no blanks" DAWG Dictionary to a dict_nb.dawg file.

$ rl3dawgc -n 1 input.lst dict_nb.dawg

What's next: Installation Guide.