RL3 License

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RL3 is Copyright 2018 by Zoral Limited. All Rights Reserved.

RL3 is provided "AS IS" without warranty or liability of any kind.

RL3 should only be used under an RL3 key that is appropriate to the use.

Non-commercial (personal, research, education, etc) use is free.


Support is free through RL3 wiki and stackoverflow. Separate support agreements with Zoral, other companies, and individual consultants are available.

Key Overview

Non-commercial (evaluation) key is automatically installed as part of RL3 binary distribution package.

Commercial use, other than for evaluation, must be under a commercial key.

Commercial Key:

  • can be installed on any number of machines
  • is owned by one person - ownership can be passed or loaned to another person

You must have a Professional key to do development used by others.